The work is now all signed, something I often forget to do. I have decided to leave the bulk of them unframed as they are easier to transport plus there being limitted exhibition space. While I accept gallery commission on work I do object to paying commission on a frame which I have paid for and may very well be discarded as not suitable for the customers decor. I have so enjoyed these paintings of Scotland that it is only now I realise there are other exhibitions here in Brittany later in the year and they also demand new work. Since I will be in Scotland from March to May it is now that I must paint. We are in the heart of winter so low reflective light, skelital trees and their shadows will be my subjet matter. There is as usual at this time of year significant amounts of water standing in the meadows alongside the river and it is here that I can continue the across the water theme with reflections as well as shadows able to indicate what lies outside the limits of the picture.
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